Thursday, 5 July 2012

2. Preparing For A New Start

*So here is the second chapter bugs! ^_^ Hope you enjoy...and just to let you know I will do flashbacks in italics but if it helps I will also write flashback really there was no point in me saying any of that O.o...whatevs, anyway here it is! Muuah*

The warm sun shining through the bedroom bay windows woke Nicki the next day. She looked over at the alarm clock realising that it was almost 9:30am, which was strange because usually Alia would start crying and wake her at around 8:00am wanting to be fed. With a big stretch she moved out of the bed to find Alia gone from her moses basket, in a panic she spun around to wake Safaree but he wasn't in bed. He was stood silently looking out of the window swaying gently, indicating that he was cradling Alia.

"Baby, what are you doing? You must be freezing." She grabbed a sweatshirt for him on the way over, he was in nothing but a pair of jogging pants. Once again she was greeted with silence.

"Faree, please put this on?" she held her hand out to give him the shirt but he ignored her and continued  cradling and rocking Alia, who was surprisingly sound asleep in her father's arms. She always looked twice as small in his arms than Nicki's, although she was extremely small for a three month old as she was born almost eight weeks prematurely. Nicki let her arm drop to her side and started rubbing his arm whilst admiring the two of them.

"Here, I'll take her and get her fed. Why don't you go take a shower? We have start getting ready to leave soon." She awaited a response but didn't get one, she knew it wasn't his fault and he wasn't doing this to hurt her but it was killing her not being able to have him talk to her, comfort her or help her. But right now he needed her more. Safaree stopped moving and gently handed Alia, who had now woken up, to Nicki without a word and resumed his position just staring out of the window. She had no idea what to do anymore, what if he stayed this way? Their marriage surely wouldn't last, Nicki was really struggling with Jayson alone more so because she had a baby to take care of at the same time and Safaree to worry about, that's why she was so worried about moving to LA. No Mama Carol to come and save the day. She tried to shake the thoughts out of her head and went downstairs, luckily the couches were still set in their places in the lounge room so Nicki made herself comfortable on one of them whilst she fed Alia.


"Stop being such a fuckin' ass and just get us home man" Safaree was getting heated with what was going on.

"Ahh chill! he knows what he's doin' boy!" His friend Michael laughed and waved his drink around spilling it everywhere. They were all drunk, with the exception of Jackson, who was driving, and Safaree they had only had a few drinks. Jackson decided it would be funny to arse around on the road seeing as nobody was around, but the excitement in the car was getting to the point where it was heavily distracting especially when there was six of them crammed into the vehicle.

"Relaaax coon, ain't nothin' gon' happen!" They all cackled and continued with their loud antics and turned the volume up when a good tune came on.

Nicki was awoken by a man in overalls stood in front of her, she must have dozed off while she was feeding Alia. In a panic she quickly grabbed a blanket off of the couch and covered her breast and Alia hoping that he hadn't seen, although by his burning red cheeks she guessed he had.

"Oh, I'm so sorry I must have nodded off." She stood up gently trying not to disturb her baby's breakfast.

"That's quite alright ma'am, I'm sorry if I startled you!" He smiled genuinely before talking again. "We're here to collect all of the boxes and move them to the new address, so could I please speak to a..." He paused a flipped through his clipboard "...Mr Safaree Samuels?" Nicki sighed and looked the man in the eyes.

"...He isn't home right now...but could I sign? I'm his wife." She kept rocking Alia whilst keeping her gaze fixed on him. He looked hesitant but noticed all her in all of the family photos sat on one of the boxes and went to hand her the clipboard only to realise she kind of had her hands full.

"Sorry,..I'll just let you up what you're doin' here." He awkwardly made his way back out the the removal vans and started opening them up before telling the other men waiting outside to start moving the boxes out.
 Meanwhile Nicki headed back upstairs to wipe Alia's face and get her dressed, gently placing her back in her moses basket while she too showered and got dressed. Safaree was still staring out of the window.


The car was spinning and screeching all over the road, completely out of control at this point. None of them men could do anything, Safaree braced himself in horror as they careered sideways mounting the sidewalk and took out some garden fencing before hearing a loud thump and speeding straight into a building wall. When he opened his eyes he could only hear the sound of his own rapid breathing and the ticking sounds that the totalled car was making. There was blood all over his white shirt and his jeans. the windscreen was well and truly smashed up. His eyes travelled to each one of his friends, all were motionless and bloodstained he reached out and checked all of their pulses. Nothing. He felt sick as he tried to break his way out of the wreckage, his heart was pounding so fast and he felt like he couldn't breathe. An elderly man jogged over to the scene.

"Sir? Are you ok sir?" Safaree didn't answer. His eyes were now glued to the tiny body of a young boy laying lifelessly at the foot of the building wall, slightly underneath the car and surrounded by a few bricks. He suddenly had the urge to throw up and did just that as another woman draped a jacket around his shoulders.

"The ambulance is on it's way, just breathe ok? Just focus on breathing." She had noticed Safaree's rapid breathing, but he couldn't just stand and wait for an ambulance. There was a young boy, somebody's son dying or possibly dead laying right in front of them. He shrugged the jacket of and carried it over to the boy placing it under his head, he had done first aid training and began the procedure on the child. It was extremely unpleasant considering the amount of blood on the boy's face and in his mouth. He just continued to give chest compressions and give mouth to mouth until he was pulled off by a team of paramedics.

Coming out of the bathroom Nicki noticed the absence of both Safaree and Alia and started to panic again. She knew Safaree would never intentionally hurt her or either of their children for that matter but she didn't know what mind state he was in. She hurriedly threw on some jeans and pink jumper before running down the stairs to the busy atmosphere...

*Okaaay, Sorry kids but that's all I can do for tonight I have work in the morning -___- BUUUT I will be updating tomorrow and I will also update Forever Young too! :) Well hope you enjoyed! And thank you all so, so, so much for your comments! Muuah*


  1. Oh so he's traumatized by the wreck because they hit a little boy. Damn no wonder he mute right now just like that was somebody's son it could've been his.

    1. You got it! Poor Safaree :(( Exactly what I was getting at when I wrote "somebody's son" are good! Thanks for commenting :3

  2. Oh goodness! Now it's all coming together smh hope things get better soon

  3. WHAT???? UGHHHH You're getting too damn comfortable with these cliff hangers! Lol but this story is interesting... I don't know what to make of it yet but it seems like its really good so far but it's also really sad . I fell so bad for nicki she must be going. Damn near crazy she has no stability in her family she's alone. But at the Same time I feel bad for SB ... I know he's traumatized but he needs to get back to reality for the sake of his family but updat SOON PLZZZZZ great chapter

    1. Hahahaa .-. I'm sorry, I actually didn't plan on doing that but it was getting later and later so I just had to tear myself away and leave it :/ Thank you for commenting ^_^ And I followed on twitter so thanks for following back :))))) I'll be posting maybe NOW or tomorrow!

  4. I like how detailed your writing is! Wow, I'm starting to understand Safaree more now! That's a lot to deal with

    1. Aw thank you so much!! Yeaah it's a little hectic right now for poor Nic :((((
      Thanks for commenting! ^_____^

  5. Oh wow how tramatic he lost all his friends and the little boy.This story is really good so far.I hope he snaps out of it soon though Nicki needs help

  6. Ooh gosh! Poor safaree i feel like wit everything goin on they shuld put the moving on hld for a while till they get staraiten out because nic seems to be stressed........i sooo live for this story pst soon barb!

  7. *GASPS* He was in a car crash? Oh my god, poor him. he needs to go see a councellor or something, because Nic can't live with this, especially trying to raise kids at the same time. *sigs* i hope he starts to get better soon x
