Sunday, 15 September 2013

25. Just The Beginning - Part Two


"S'up lil' man?" He asked, not really interested in whatever it was since he was trying to pull Alia's tiny leggings up over her kicking feet.

"Is Nana taking me to school?" He was swaying as he spoke and held on to the changing table leg.

"Yeah, why?"

"I want Mommy to take me."

"Remember what I told you just the other day? Mommy's sick, she has to stay in bed for a lil' bit. So Nana's gon' take you and I'ont wanna hear any complainin'. Got it?"

"Yes sir." He poked his lip out almost as professionally as his Mother and trapsed back through to his room.

"Aight, we done here." He smiled proudly and tugged Alia's dress down over her head before buttoning it and picking her up. He was kind of enjoying having to take on all of this without Nicki. He felt he was growing closer to his kids and being more responsible for them.

"Jay? Get your lil' ass downstairs and go eat that cereal I put out for you. You got ten minutes 'til you leave." He waited for a response and continued on with his duties when he heard the tiny footsteps heading down the stairs. They'd been having more and more issues with him lately, particularly with his tantrum throwing and the fits he would have when he couldn't get his own way. They only really recognised how bad he was getting when the school called about his behaviour in class. They'd asked them to come in to discuss what further action should be taken. Truthfully, it was just another issue they didn't need to be worrying about. Especially with everything else on their plate at the moment. Silently contemplating what was going to happen with their son he bumped into Mama Carol on the stairway.

"Oh Safaree, where do you want this basket of laundry?" She propped it on her hip as she looked up at him. Never had he been so grateful for having her with them. He needed her right now.

"I'll do you a trade, could you take her downstairs and feed her?"

"Of course I can." She smiled at her granddaughter as SB handed her over and took the basket from her grip. He stood and watched them head downstairs before entering his and Nicki's room. She was still sleeping, as was Ava in the bassinet next to her side if the bed. Smiling at how peaceful they both looked he sat the laundry down and remembered he had to get Nicki's dressing changed. He'd set everything out the night before and ran through what he was told to do just to be on the safe side. Honestly, it wasn't rocket science but he was petrified of her wound becoming infected or something. His noisy antics, as he tried gather everything quietly, stirred Nicki from her sleep.

"Oh good you're up, we need to change your bandages."

"What?" Stretching up slowly and gently she rested back against the headboard and squinted at her alarm clock. "Why didn't you wake me up sooner?"

"'Cause everythin' is under control and you need rest. Plus, Ava wasn't screechin' or nothin' so I figured she ain't want feedin' yet." He moved over and sat on the side of the bed by her feet. "How you feelin'?"


"I love it when you answer sarcastically."

"Now you're the one being sarcastic." She cocked her eyebrow and waited for him to respond but he didn't. "I wanna shower first, then I'll change it." She spoke whilst throwing the covers back. "Help me to the bathroom." Carrying everything with him he did as she asked and helped her to the shower.

"Here sit on the tub and I'll help you undress." He attempted to lead her to the bath but she pulled her hand away from him softly.

"It's okay Safaree, I got it from here. Thanks." Pretending not to notice him stood looking at her she re-folded her towel and put it on the seat of the toilet.


"I said I'm okay Safaree. Please." She looked at him tiredly and used the sink as a crutch. "Could you just leave the bandages and stuff in here?"

"But I'm s'posed to be doin' it for you."

"I can handle it. I haven't lost the ability to do some things for myself y'know?" Her cold words didn't match the hurt look on her face, a look which mirrored his feelings at that moment. Why was she behaving so angrily?

"The sooner you realise you're just lucky to even be alive, the better." He placed the bag of hospital goods on the towel shelf and looked her dead in the eye. "Shout me if you need anythin', only if you really need it though. God knows we wouldn't wanna hurt your pride, Onika." He silenced her with his harsh words before he left, shutting the door behind him.

He felt a rush of guilt wash over his body as soon as he was out of her view but she needed to understand that she was acting out of turn, blaming those closest to her for something that was beyond their control. He shook off the pangs of guilt and made his way back downstairs after securing Ava in his arms. A quietness had overcome the house as soon as Carol had taken Jay to school. That silence soon faded when he heard Alia squawking in the living room. Robert had her sat on his knee, bouncing her as she screeched happily.

"Hey SB? What is there to do 'round here?" Crossing his arms, Cai leant over the breakfast bar once he'd made it into the kitchen.

"Honestly? There ain't shit 'round here for you to do. But listen, I gotta go see Jay's teacher later and then I'mma head 'round to Drake's. He's still got one of Lia's stuffed animals. You wanna come with?"

"A'ight, might as well." He shrugged casually and looked at his baby niece. "Can't Drake just bring it over for you?" He raised his brow questioningly.

"His car's in for repairs."

"Oh." He nodded understandingly. "Is Nika up?"

"Yeah, she's showerin'."

"Is she okay?"

"She's been better." He tried to smile and erase Cai's worried thoughts but honestly he was scared about how much this was affecting her.

"Can I go see her?"

"Maybe later, we gotta get this one fed." Motioning to Ava in his arms he started walking back towards the stairs. "But Lia needs changing, thanks." Laughing at his unamused face he continued up to their room.

Back upstairs Nicki was biting anxiously on her bottom lip as she tried to pull of her sodden bandages. It would have been much easier of she'd swallowed her pride and let her husband help but the thought of him seeing her like that was enough for her to pull her guard up. The wound was looking slightly better but it was still hideous and always would be in her eyes. Finally ripping it away from her skin she proceeded to cleanse it, dry it and apply the cream before taping on her new dressing. She knew it would take a long time to do since it was her first attempt at changing it but the length of time it took her was ridiculous. Throwing away the last of the bloodied up cotton she tied the ends of the bin bag and left it to the side. Call her squeamish but the sight of own reddened flesh and blood made her feel instantly nauseous. All she knew at that moment was that she had to get to the bed and quickly. Unbeknownst to her, Safaree was right outside the door ready to knock.

"Holy shit!" She held her chest immediately and tried to recuperate from the fright. "Stop doing that."

"I was just comin' to see how you were."

"I'm fine, thank you." Avoiding their eyes meeting she hobbled past him.

"You look really pale."

"Thanks, captain obvious." She heard him huff, but he didn't leave. "I feel really sick."

"You want somethin' for it?" He held back the covers with his free hand and let her climb in slowly. She knew had she not been through major surgery he would have spat the dummy and left the room by now but he was obviously trying to empathise with her, which she was truthfully grateful for even if she wasn't letting him see that. He knew deep down she was thankful.

"Yes, please." She held her arms out and took Ava from his grasp before settling down to feed her.

"Aight, I'll go pick some up while I'm out."

"Where you going?"

"I gotta go speak to Jay's teacher"

"Since when? And why didn't I know about this?" She frowned harshly as she spoke.

"They called yesterday. He's gettin' too much to handle and I ain't tell you 'cause you got a lot goin' on right now."

"So I'm no longer involved with sortin' my child's issues?" She scowled over at him. "The fuck would they know anyway? They don't even bother with him."

"That's not true, Nic."

"Oh really?" She readjusted a fussy Ava on her chest and glared at him. "He's autistic and they just treat him like he's some naughty child, he's not a bad kid, Safaree. They don't understand him."

"You really think so?" He furrowed his brow with thought before moving around the bed to sit on his side. He'd never really looked at it in that way. Maybe the school wasn't accommodating his needs properly. "We could try out another school?"

"What, and have him even more confused and upset than he already is? No, Safaree."

"Look, don't bite my head off at every suggestion I make, Nic. He's my son too and obviously we need to do somethin' about this."

There was a prickly silence as she looked down at Ava. "I know, you're right." Glancing back at him she exhaled slowly. "Im sorry."

"I'm not tryin' to make you feel uninvolved. I would never do that." He pushed the hair from her face as she watched Ava feed. "I'm just doin' what the doctor said. You need to recover. I can deal with the rest."

"Thank you."

"Now, what are we gonna do 'bout Jay?"

"What exactly did they say on the phone?"

"Not much. They said he doesn't get involved enough and when he does it just ends witha fight goin' down." They were both sitting with their backs to the headboard, staring ahead. Just thinking.

"What if he just keeps gettin' worse?" Her voice was timid with fear.

"Hey, we managed this far and with all this shit happenin' to us. I'm sure we can handle it."

"That's not what I'm askin' though. I want for him to lead a normal life and do normal things."

"Well we already knew things weren't gonna be perfect for him, Nic. We can't change him."

"I don't want to change him. I wouldn't change him even if I was given the choice but sometimes I wonder what his life would be like if he wasn't autistic, y'know?"

"I wonder that too."

"He could be like all the other kids, have friends and actually communicate with someone."

"He communicates with us."

"But that's different." She sniffled, making him aware of the fact that she was crying. "Ten, twenty years down the line what is he gonna be like?"

"He'll be just like our son." The way he looked at her as he spoke made her feel assured. She had no idea why, but it did. "Let's just worry about what's goin' on now, 'kay?"


"Good." Moving sideways he kissed her temple and stroked Ava's head. "I'mma go talk to his teacher later, I'll make sure somethin's done."

"Let me know as soon as you're done with them."

"I'll call you when I'm out." Getting off of the bed he made his way into the closet to get changed and re-emerged once he was done. "You done feedin' her?"


"I'll sort her." Heading around he gently took their baby and proceeded to wind her and change her before laying her back in the bassinet. "If you need anythin' your Dad and brother are downstairs. So, shout them."

Resting back down on her side gently she just stared at him as he stood in the doorway. She looked exhausted was the only thing he could think.


As soon as he got parked at the school he took note of all the kids playing happily durning their lunch break. Everything Drake had told him was true. He could pick out Jayson from a mile away, sat alone with his blue truck. It pained him to see his son isolated by his own mind. Heading inside he stood and waited patiently for Jay's teacher, as instructed by the receptionist.

"Mr Samuels?"

"Yeah." He turned and shook the man's hand as he led him back to his office.

"I'm Luke Darnell, Jayson's class teacher."

"You're the one I spoke to on the phone?"

"Yes, that's me." He smiled and sat down behind his desk. "Mrs Samuels isn't coming in?"

"She's just been discharged from hospital so, no."

"Oh dear, nothing serious I hope."

"Baby number three." Safaree smiled slightly and sat down, itching to get to the main reason why he was there.

"Well, congratulations." Luke nodded his head before looking back at the papers in front of him. "I wanted to talk to you about Jayson's behaviour."

"He's a good kid."

"And I have no doubts about that, however the reports I'm receiving back from his teachers are...Not so great, Mr Samuels. I understand that Jay requires more lenience-"

"For what? He should be treated like the other kids. If we wanted him to be treated any different we woulda sent him to another school. One that specialises in dealin' with kids like him."

"He is dealt with fairly here. It's just some teachers find his behaviour quite taxing. He's a handful at the best of times."

"That's 'cause none of y'all know how to deal with him. Y'all just treat him like some kid that causes trouble all the time. That makes it worse."


"Excuse me?"

"I've said the same thing during every school committee meeting we've had."

"So why am I here, when you already know what's up?" Safaree's face softened remarkably.

"Because I think I have a solution, Mr Samuels."


Over the next 8 weeks, their relationship seemed to deteriorate more rapidly than either could have imagined. The silences didn't help much, especially since Nicki's family had gone back home again. Now it was just them and the kids and Jayson was acting up even more than ever, reaching a new level of tantrum throwing and introverted behaviour. An added stress that Nicki could certainly do without. On the more positive side of things however, she'd almost completely recovered and could finally go back to actually doing things and not wasting away in bed 24/7.

"Can you please be doin' somethin' to help me right now?" She loitered in the living room door way with Alia sat on her hip.

"A'ight, tell me what needs doin' and I'll do it." Knocking the TV off he tossed the remote down on to the couch and turned to stare at her.

"I shouldn't have to tell you or even ask you to do things, Safaree."

"Well, we got a half hour before we leave." He stood up and replaced his hat on his head.

"Exactly and here you are sat like we got all the time in the world. Go do something."

Not reacting to her orders he brushed past her moodily and headed up the stairs. This is what things had been like over the last few weeks. The communication was at an all time low, it was either her barking orders at him or completely dismissing him. Sometimes it was like he wasn't even there. Upon reaching the top of the stairs he headed in to Jayson's room and prepared for the daily battle of getting him to dress himself.

They were heading over to Drake's for some sort of pool party. Honestly Nicki had no interest in going since she had absolutely no intention of wearing a swimsuit but the kids would enjoy it and she wanted to get out of the house for a bit. Maybe it would lift the strain on herself and SB. It was worth a try anyway.

Once they got there she couldn't argue that it was a nice looking pool, there was still no temptation to get in though. Hence her accidentally forgetting her swimwear. Hardly a word had been spoken between her and Safaree unless it was to do with the kids. As soon as they reached the back yard SB had taken Alia down to the poolside, leaving her with Ava who was kicking out the "Z's" and Jayson, who was just sitting quietly on the deck chair behind her. There was an abundance of people present. She hadn't expected him to invite so many.

"You're not goin' in?" Her wandering thoughts ceased when a dripping Drake moved over and sat by her in the shade.

"No, not today." She smiled. "It's not really my thing."

"Swimming is everybody's thing, especially kids." He exclaimed. "Does Jay not wanna go in?" He peered behind her at a preoccupied Jayson. He was in a world of his own, as usual.

"I think SB's gonna take him in later. Alia's havin' way too much fun to get out." She laughed genuinely as she watched Alia with Safaree in the water.

"I can't believe you came to my pool party and you ain't even gon' test the water."

"I'll dangle my feet in later, that good enough?"

"No, but I guess it's a step forward so I can be happy with that." He laughed and inadvertently grabbed SB's attention. He hated when she did this. Hardly able to muster enough energy to acknowledge her own husband yet she always had the time of day for someone else. Scowling harshly he secured Alia close to him and waded towards the pool steps before heading over to them.

"I thought you were bringin' Jay in?" He stared down at her in the lounge chair, still fully clothed.

"I already told you I'm not gettin' in." She shrugged. "Grab her towel and hand her to me and you can take him in yourself."

Feeling the tension begin to rise Drake stood up and announced he was going to the kitchen, leaving them to argue it out.

"Why you actin' so selfish, Onika? Alls am askin' is that you spend ten minutes with me whilst our kids have a good time. Once those minutes are up you can go back to givin' attention to whoever the hell you want."

The way his words cascaded over her made everything come to a stand still. "Are you serious right now? You're kickin' up 'cause I was talkin' to Drake?"

"Whatever, Nic." He shook his head angrily. "I'mma go dry her off."

For once, she decided against yelling back. It would have only caused a scene but what he'd said to her was impacting. Did he really think that? Or was he just saying it because he was mad? Noticing Drake was looking over at her she smiled quickly and turned to face Jay.

"You gonna go in the water with Daddy, Jay?" He didn't even glance at her. "Jayson, could you look at me when I'm talking to you?" Nothing. It was like talking to a brick wall. Reaching out she rested her hand on his leg and asked him again but he just shook his head no and turned to face the opposite direction. She knew it wasn't his fault and he wasn't purposely trying to upset her. But she couldn't lie and say her feelings weren't hurt right now, by more than one person.


*This chapter is a whole load of nothing lol I started typing it months ago and forgot it was here :( so it's even more all over the place than usual XD Anywho, I hope it was okay for whoever still reads this.*

Wednesday, 5 June 2013


So as most of you know, I'm ending all of my Onikafaree fics within the next few weeks. However, I've had a couple people asking if I could maybe keep one going. I'm not sure if you all feel the same way but if there is one you might like to keep reading, which one would it be? OR I could do someone else's suggestion which was a continuation of Forever Young? Idk. :) Anywho it's up to you guys, thanks for reading.


Friday, 24 May 2013

Quick Question

I was just wondering how many people are actually still reading this or will still read if I post?

I know I haven't updated any my Onikafaree fics for a while and that's honestly because I've been finding it to write for them but my last two posts were really struggling for page views. So I might scrap this fic if it's gonna go the same way, this one always gets less page views anyway so if it's even less now...I might just delete it.

Anyway, if you are still checking for updates on this please let me know and I'll keep going with it.


Monday, 14 January 2013

24. Just The Beginning - Part One

*Thanku for previous comments ^_^ I hope this is okay ://*

Rocking Ava in his arms he stared over at Nicki, she was watching enviously. He felt bad that she wasn't able to even hold her own child yet, but once Lila returned and changed her dressing she could hold her for as long as she wanted.

"She'll be back soon babe."

"I know, I just feel like I haven't even had chance to bond with her or anything. It's been two days since she was born and the most I've done is touched her hand." He could see her fighting her emotions, which he honestly couldn't blame. Moving back away from the window he took a seat with the bundle in his arms. She'd just been fed and was now sleeping in her Father's embrace. Both of them had their attention pulled back to the door as Lila strolled in. Nicki was still in considerable pain but they were trying to monitor her and keep on top of it, for her sake.

"Afternoon everyone. How's the little one holdin' up?" She smiled sweetly and peered down over Safaree's shoulder, looking at the peaceful baby. "She's got a pair of lungs on her hasn't she?" They all laughed at the reference to Ava's screams. She was loud when she wanted to be heard.

"Yeah, I'm surprised Nicki didn't even wake up when she was fussin' before."

"Well, let's pump you up with some sort of elephant tranquilliser and see if you wake up when she starts crying." The room fell awkwardly silent as Lila pulled the notes from the end of Nicki's bed. Safaree let the jab go over his head, putting it down to how tired his wife was and the frustration she was feeling.

"Well, everythin's lookin' fine so far, I'm just gonna change your dressin' and then we'll se if we can get Ava bonding with her Mommy." Scribbling down some extra notes she slid the clipboard back in its original place and sanitised her hands. Understandably Nicki was feeling nervous, this was the first time she'd be having her dressing changed whilst she wasn't knocked out by some super drug. She hadn't even seen the permanent damage done to her abdomen yet.

"Safaree could you please find out when Drake's bringin' the kids in?" She didn't look at him as she asked, forcing Lila to look to him for the answer.

"Sure, I'll get on it as soon as Lila's finished changi-"

"Could you just do it now, please?"

"But I wanna be here for you when your dressin' is changed."

"I don't want you in here. Please, just go call Drake or my Mom or something?" Feeling the atmosphere becoming more tense Lila stepped away to sort out some new bandaging over on one of the portable trolleys whilst Safaree just looked at his wife in disbelief. There was no way she wanted him to see what she looked like under the white bandages, she didn't even want to look herself.

"You don't mean that."

"Yes, I do." Keeping up with her lack of eye contact she stared down at her hands as he gently stood and placed Ava back in her bassinet before walking out slowly. He knew she was hurting but blaming him wasn't the way to deal with it, even with everything she'd been through there was no excuse for that and certainly no need for it. He did as she asked though, dialling for Mama Carol as soon as he was seated in the canteen area. If anyone could speak some sense into Nic right now, it was her Mother.


Sitting in the car park Drake found himself becoming overly attached to this little lifestyle he was experiencing. He smiled through the rear-view mirror at Alia's smile, her little teeth showing through as she kicked her feet about in her car seat. He knew he was early to pick Jay up from school but he was passing by anyway and going all the way back to the house seemed stupid. Drumming his fingers against the steering wheel his let his eyes scan the playground to the side of him, only to feel his smile fade. All the kids were playing cheerfully, running around and swinging off of play equipment as they all seemed to join in together but seeing the small figure sat alone with his blue truck pulled at his heart-strings. It was Jay. He continued to watch him until the bell sounded and their lunch break was over, he was collecting him early so that they could go see Nicki. As soon as he clocked the time he went inside to collect him.

"You have a good day?"


"No? Why not?" He asked worriedly as he opened the car door for the young boy. Only receiving a shrug he frowned and fastened him into the seat. "Well, we're gonna go see Mommy now."


"Yeah so lemme see that smile I know she'll wanna see." He grinned at him and got one in return, hearing that he was going to see his Mom had cheered him up considerably. Thank God.


Back in the private hospital room Nicki was waiting anxiously as Lila delicately pulled the dressing off. She was doing it slowly but only to reduce the risk of disturbing her healing wound.

"I know I already explained this to you Nicki but due to circumstances the surgeons weren't able to access you internally using the horizontal cut. Usually that's the way a hysterectomy is performed but in some cases they've got no choice but to cut vertically."

"So, the scar will just be vertical instead of horizontal?"

"Well yes but horizontal cuts are on the bikini line, very easily hidden but with a vertical scar-"

"I'll never be able to hide it unless I'm fully clothed." She finished the sentence solemnly and looked down. Lila didn't want to upset her anymore than she already was and decided to concentrate on removing the bandage. Nicki couldn't look, she felt the tape pull away from her skin as the air hit her exposed stomach but she couldn't bring herself to look down.

"Alright Nicki, the dressing's off if you want to take a quick peek?"

"I can't." She immediately brought her hand to her face as the tears started to collect on her bottom lid.

"Hey, it's okay." Lila held Nicki's free hand comfortingly. "Just take your time, there's no rush." With a couple of minutes of silence, only her soft sobs could be heard before she shakily looked down. And there it was. The swelling and redness made it look even worse than it actually was but the distinct and ugly stapled cut ran from her belly button down to her pelvic region. She choked up instantly as Lila quickly grabbed a bowl as a precaution.

"Oh my God!" She cried out. "I can't look at it."

"Now, it's still early days but once the swelling and puffiness has gone down the scar will start to heal and soon it'll just look like a little white line." She knew she was lying but at the same time she also knew that as a nurse it was her job to comfort patients.

"That doesn't change what's missing from inside me." She paused tearfully. "Can you please cover it back up? I don't wanna see it." Facing away again she let the tears carry on rolling down her cheeks as Lila sighed defeatedly and proceeded to fix up her new dressing. Once she was finished she lay the sheets back over her body and disposed of everything.

"I'll let Safaree know I'm done on my way past the canteen."

"No, I just want a couple minutes by myself. Please?" Her voice was quiet and raspy.

"Sure, but when I get back up in half an hour here we're gonna try and get you nursing her. I think he should be here for that." She gave her a knowing look and left the room. As her primary nurse she was beginning to get a little worried about her progression.

She went against her orders and took the long route to the canteen, giving her the couple minutes she asked for. Seeing his bowed head resting in his hands at a corner table she made her way over quietly.


"Hm?" He jumped a little as he snapped out of his little snooze.

"Sorry to startle you, I just thought I'd let you know I'm finished changing her dressing. I'm going on a short break but when I get back I'll talk you through how to change the bandages yourself for when you leave to go home and we'll see if Nicki's feeling up to nursing Ava too."

"Thanks for lettin' me know." He nodded gratefully. "That sounds good, how'd she go? Y'know with the dressin'?" She felt so terrible for him being out of the loop like this but she had to try and understand Nicki's reasons. Plus, given her state she was mentally and emotionally all over the place right now.

"It was a little rough actually, I thought it would have gone more smoothly but it'll take time. Give her a chance." She smiled warmly and rested her hand on his shoulder before walking away.

"Oh, Lila wait!" Jogging over to her he came to a halt where she'd stopped.


"Is it okay for our other kids to go in and see her and Ava?"

"Of course, just don't let them be climbing all over her." She gave him one last smile and went on her break, leaving him to make his way back up to see his wife. When he re-entered the room he was alarmed to find Nicki trying to stand up unaided.

"Nicki! The hell are you doing?!" He moved over to her side quickly. "You're not even supposed to be on your feet yet!"

"Well she was crying Safaree, I had to do something!" He ignored her harsh yells as he helped her back into the bed.

"I'll pass her to you, just stay still. I'ont want you to do somethin' to your stitches." Once he was sure she was back in the bed properly he reached into Ava's hospital crib to pick up the fussy baby, cradling her momentarily before he attempted to move her into Nicki's arms. "You comfortable?"

"Yeah." She sniffled slightly as she whispered, finally about to hold her baby properly for the first time. Feeling her little body being placed into her arms she felt so overwhelmed and began to cry. Safaree moved away, letting her absorb the moment since he'd already experienced the moment more than a few times. "Oh my God Safaree. Look at her, she's so perfect." Her eyes flicked over every part of her baby's small frame as she admired her. She felt emotionally drained but she couldn't stop the tears.

"I know, she looks so much like Alia don't you think?" He sat on the edge of the bed next to her before kissing her temple gently.

"Just a lil' chubbier than Lia." She smiled genuinely, still watching their baby's tiny face as she yawned.

"Lila said when she gets back you can try nursin' her if you want?"

"Oh, I don't know Faree. I've only just held her for the first time, what if she won't do it?" The uncertainty, fear and worry present in her voice made him instantly forget how she behaved earlier. He knew this was going to be a long and stressful recovery but he'd be there for her. Just like she was there for him.

"It'll be fine, I promise." Kissing her again he ran his hand over Ava's head. "Oh, Drake messaged me before. He's gon' be here with Jay and Alia soon."

"Aww." She pouted slightly and sniffled as the tears were still burdening her. "I've missed my babies so much."

Out in the parking lot Drake was struggling to secure Alia in his arms at the same time as keeping tabs on where Jay was at.

"Aye, get back here." At the sound of his voice Jay stopped running and looked back at him.

"I'm not going far."

"That don't matter, you gotta stay wit'me. C'mere." He extended his arm out and grabbed Jay's hand as they walked in, getting directions to her room straight away before they climbed in the elevator. He was kind of nervous for some unknown reason and noticing that they'd reached the floor she was on only made it worse.

"Is Mommy still sick?" He peered up at Drake's face waiting of an answer whilst they strolled down the corridor to her room.

"She's not feelin' too good but she's gettin' better, I promise." His eyes kept scanning each room number only for his feet to stop moving once he realised they were at her door.

* It's a lil' short but all my chapters are so, y'know? Lol hope this was alright :// Sorry for any typos too lol there could be a fair few!*